Denna gången Rihanna som härmat Enrique, iförsej med bara en mening, men det var de första jag tänkte på när jag lyssnade på "Somebody's Me" idag, direkt tänkte jag på Rihanna. Men Enrique gjorde sin låt före Rihanna. Men det är nog inte så men ändå :) Fast det är nästan samma handling i
refr (och resten av låten också) om ni lyssnar/läser:
"Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me"
"So farewell!
Somebody is gonna miss you
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here
That somebody is me"
refr (och resten av låten också) om ni lyssnar/läser:

"Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you, it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me"
"So farewell!
Somebody is gonna miss you
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here
That somebody is me"
/love juliiamariahh