Lily "Allen" Cooper är orolig för hennes ofödda barn..
Gravida stjärnan Lily Allen har öppnat upp om hennes graviditet ångest efter att ha lidit två missfall. Den 26-årige lämnades förkrossad när hon missfall hennes ofödda son med maken Sam Cooper sex månader in i graviditeten oktober förra året - två år efter att ha förlorat ett barn med före detta pojkvän Ed Simons. Och Allen, som nyligen nådde sex månader märke, medger hon fortfarande är hemsökt av missfall och är orolig för hennes ofödda barn. Hon sa: "Jag var livrädd härom kvällen i sängen vaknar jag en hel del just nu och vid ett tillfälle jag rörde Sam ansikte och det var iskallt jag skrek" Sam Sam Herregud, min man...! död! Jag har sorterat allt ut och nu är det över! "Han vaknade och sa: "Alla fönster är öppna". "Den här gången Lily säger att hon tar inga chanser. Den Smile Hitmaker sade: "Efter mitt ... sista barn, jag är verkligen övervakas noga så jag kommer till London varje torsdag på ultraljudsundersökning Läkaren fortsätter att berätta att jag ska ta det lugnt?.." Hon tillade att brittiska tidningen The London Evening Standard: ". Instinktivt jag alltid vill vara med i allt" Men med den här graviditeten, speciellt med vad som hände förra gången, jag får till den punkt där jag tror, f *** allt . . Det är en tid i mitt liv jag får inte göra någonting "På frågan om hon visste om barnet var en flicka eller en pojke, sa modeskaparen:" Jag gör. Det är mellan mej och maken. Jag har inte ens sagt till min mamma. "
Pregnant star Lily Allen has opened up about her pregnancy anxiety after suffering two miscarriages. The 26-year-old was left devastated when she miscarried her unborn son with husband Sam Cooper six months into the pregnancy last October - two years after losing a baby with former boyfriend Ed Simons. And Allen, who recently reached the six-month mark, admits she is still haunted by the miscarriages, and is worried about her unborn baby. She said: "I was terrified the other night in bed. I wake up a lot at the moment and at one point I touched Sam's face and it was freezing cold. I was screaming. 'Sam! Sam! Oh my god, my husband's dead! I've sorted everything out and now it's all over!' He woke up and said, 'All the windows are open'." This time Lily says she is taking no chances. The Smile hitmaker said: "After my...?last baby, I'm being really closely monitored so I come to London every Thursday for a scan. The doctor keeps telling me to take it easy." She added to British newspaper the London Evening Standard: "Instinctively I always want to be involved in everything. "But with this pregnancy, especially with what happened last time, I'm getting to the point where I think, f*** everything. It's the one time in my life I'm allowed to do nothing." When asked if she knew whether the baby was a girl or a boy, the fashion designer said: "I do. It's between me and the husband. I haven't even told my mum."
skrivet: 9 September 2011
Pregnant star Lily Allen has opened up about her pregnancy anxiety after suffering two miscarriages. The 26-year-old was left devastated when she miscarried her unborn son with husband Sam Cooper six months into the pregnancy last October - two years after losing a baby with former boyfriend Ed Simons. And Allen, who recently reached the six-month mark, admits she is still haunted by the miscarriages, and is worried about her unborn baby. She said: "I was terrified the other night in bed. I wake up a lot at the moment and at one point I touched Sam's face and it was freezing cold. I was screaming. 'Sam! Sam! Oh my god, my husband's dead! I've sorted everything out and now it's all over!' He woke up and said, 'All the windows are open'." This time Lily says she is taking no chances. The Smile hitmaker said: "After my...?last baby, I'm being really closely monitored so I come to London every Thursday for a scan. The doctor keeps telling me to take it easy." She added to British newspaper the London Evening Standard: "Instinctively I always want to be involved in everything. "But with this pregnancy, especially with what happened last time, I'm getting to the point where I think, f*** everything. It's the one time in my life I'm allowed to do nothing." When asked if she knew whether the baby was a girl or a boy, the fashion designer said: "I do. It's between me and the husband. I haven't even told my mum."
skrivet: 9 September 2011